
Day 9: February 22, 2011

   Nonsense day again, laundry,homework, reports, etc. I slept 1am doing all those, haha. majority of the time was spent on PC. lol then!!! pat and I both forgot about our anniversary!!! lol. hahaha! "sooooo sweeeeet!!!" hahaha, then that's it.. when i fell asleep, I dreamt about Luke Landrigan. I dreamt that I was interviewing him for my HM1 project. And that he asked me to join him watch baseball. KILIIIIG. lol. "can we go surfing nalang? Like what you did with your son?" hahaha!!! :))

---just bored ♥ wasted a day. :( haha

---Fin. Day 9 of 50.